Online e menu is online food ordering and delivery booking restaurant software developed by Inwizards LLC. It is trusted software by hundreds of restaurants and retail food brands in different countries who relied on it. Online e menu facilitates a customer placing an order digitally, pre table reservations, loyalty program, online payment, and POS and CRM system. This software system will add a modern outlook and trendy style to a restaurant’s website and application.

Though we see, Restaurant owners payout high commission to food delivery apps for online delivery without getting access to customer data where they lose the money as well earn no benefit. Here, an online e menu provides self-delivery from restaurant apps or websites and keeps a record of customer data for better sales and relations. So, that you do not need to pay extra commission to food delivery apps - Break the boundaries and expand your customer base.

We can help restaurants to create market strategies for branding and promoting by monitoring and tracking the entire restaurant system in real-time. Use our online ordering system to increase restaurant business revenue, your inventories and performance to grow your business. With the integration of an online e menu promote your restaurant and become a brand.

Best QR Code Menu for Restaurants
Secured POS System For Restaurants
Your Own Online Food Ordering System
Online EMenu CRM System
Customizable Loyalty Program
Contactless Menu Ordering System
Table Booking System

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